Westringia fruticosa ‘Smokey'

Westringia fruticosa ‘Smokey'

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Westringia fruticosa


"Smokie' is an attractive hardy native shrub. It is tolerant of most

frosts, extended dry periods, salt air, full sun or shade and

grows in a wide range of soils. Feed with Seasol and

PowerFeed in late spring. It has soft grey foliage with a

silvery variegation. The flowers are borne in the axils over

most of the year. Like most Westringia, 'Smokie'

makes an

attractive hedge, screen plant or can be used for general

topiary work. For an all native garden 'Smokie' looks

good planted as a background to Correa 'Annie's

Delight' and Correa Win's Wonder'. For a less formal

garden interplant with Westringia

Wandin Gem

and Grevillea Firebird'. For a non-native

garden Westringia

"Smokie' makes an

excellent addition to

Mediterranean gardens

interplanted with Salvia, Lavandula and

Rosmarinus varieties.

The origins of Westringia

'Smokie' are a bit blurry, suffice to say

it has been around in the odd native nursery for many years and is

referred to in some of the leading texts on Australian Plants. Rest

assured that if you put this plant in your garden or in a tub on your patio

you won't be disappointed. Regular applications of Seasol & PowerFeed

will encourage growth