A gold leaved form of a mat-forming, fleshy-leaved, evergreen perennial ‘Ogon’ is one of the most shade tolerant of the Sedums. Its prostrate stems bear small golden pink tinged spoon shaped leaves that bunch in rosettes at the upturned tips. The stems root at the nodes to eventually form broad carpets. Clusters of small starry greenish-yellow flowers appear on short stems in late spring and early summer.
Small golden pink tinged spoon shaped leaves
Small starry greenish-yellow flowers
Flowering Time
Late spring and early summer.
Part sun to light shade and well drained soils. low water needs do not over water.
Cultural Notes
It is ideal for containers and hanging baskets, but most at home on slopes and walls and in shaded rock gardens and patios. there it will nestle into the gaps between stones, forming flowing mats of gold.