Hyacinth orientalis hybrid
The perfume and elegance of the Hyacinth family is a constant favourite amongst Australian gardeners. Easy to grow, winter flowering and available in a vivid array of colours. All strongly scented, and highly desirable. Perfect in pots.
Planting Depth: 12 cm deep
Height: 20-25 cm
Blooming time: Blooms in Spring
Position: Full sun/Part shade
Caution: Harmful if eaten/Skin & Eye irritant
Planting Time: Plant from March onwards
Cultivation: Pre-chill bulbs 4-6 weeks prior to planting. For best results in the next season remove spent flower stems and continue to water and feed the plant until all the foliage turns yellow and dies down. Lift bulbs and store in a cool, well ventilated, dry environment, ready to replant the following season.
Soil Position: Prefers a full sun or partial shade position, but will not thrive in heavily shaded areas. A well drained organically rich soil is best.