These Euphorbias produce huge, long lasting brightly coloured modified leaves to mimic the petals of flowers. These are the latest hybrids from Thailand.
Can handle a full sun or partial shaded position. Great in gardens, borders, rockeries or pots. Indoors only in well-lit positionsotherwise they may not produce more brightly coloured leaves.
Can be watered over the warmer months and seldom if not at all in winter. Plants will survive without water for many months but will do better if watered all year round.
Fertilise with 25% the recommended dosage monthly in growing period. The less fertiliser, the better the shape of the plant. Fertilisers hight in nitrogen can produce larger plants with less colour.
Can be left to overgrow their pots or repotted in the warmer months in almost any well drained potting mix.
Harmful if eaten and can irrtate the skin and eyes. Handle carefully to avoid exposure to white milk from damaging plants. Wash hands after handling.