Coriander 'Lemon' Seeds

Coriander 'Lemon' Seeds

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Coriandrum sativum

Dwarf Coriander variety with subtle lemon scent and flavour. Adds fresh aromatic twist to salads and Asian dishes. Make successive sowings for continuous supply.

Recipe Tip: Use the fresh leaves and stalks as cilantro. Mature flowers will produce coriander seeds that can be dried and ground, perfect for flavouring cooked dishes.

How To Grow
Sow 5mm (1/4”) deep directly in growing position. When large enough to handle thin seedlings to 20cm (8”) apart. Water well until plants are established. Coriander requires a sunny position but can be grown indoors year round as a windowsill herb. For a continuous supply, make sowings at two to three weekly intervals. Pick a few leaves from each plant so that they regrow quickly. Seedlings emerge 7-10 days.

10-12 weeks.

Spring, Summer