Brassica hybrid F2
Baby Broccoli is baby broccoli with edible stems and florets. It is ideal for container growing this plant has a long harvest period and a delicious flavour. Full of vitamins and minerals, Broccoli Bambino is good for you too!
Growing Tip: When the first floret appears at the plant centre and has reached the size of a 5 or 10 cent piece remove it together with the two leaves immediately below. Side shoot will mature about 6 weeks later and these should be harvested by making a cut approximately 25cm from the main stem. Additional florets will continue to develop over the next 4-6 weeks. Apply nitrogen (N) rich fertiliser during the firsr 4-6 weeks of growth only. Thereafter supply Potassium sulphate (Potash) to encourage the development of florets. If growing in garden beds prepare the soil with a general purpose fertiliser. If planting in a pot use an Australian Standards potting mix and apply fertilisers at recommended rates.
Position: Full sun
Height / Spacing: 60-80cm. Use a 30-40cm pot or if planting in garden beds plant 30-40cm apart.
Lifespan: Annual
Planting Time: Autumn, Winter (Feb- Sept)
Harvest: 12-14 weeks after planting.